Sometimes We All Need a Little Help
What is LIHEAP?
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps eligible families with home heating bills by partially paying for the cost of your natural gas bill.

LIHEAP applications for the new heating season (Oct. – May) will be accepted starting October 1st.
The program also covers:
- Weatherization services (insulation, weather stripping around doors and windows, etc.)
- Furnace cleaning, repair, and replacement
- Chimney cleaning and inspection
How Do I Apply for LIHEAP?
1. Apply Online
2. Fill out an application
Apply Locally – Print an application and return it to the Customer Support Center or your local Human Service Zone Office. Human Service Zones | Health and Human Services North Dakota
Apply by mail – Submit a request to have an application mailed to you and return it to the Customer Support Center.
If you need assistance filling out the application, please call 1-800-755-2716 for a Community Options outreach representative.
If You Receive a Notice of Disconnection
If you have received a shut-off or disconnection notice (an energy related emergency) please contact our office to make a payment or discuss a payment arrangement. If you are in need of additional financial assistance, please contact the HHS Customer Support Center.
Phone: 1.866.614.6005 or 701-328-1000; 711 (TTY)
Fax: 701.328.1006
Mail: Customer Support Center P.O. Box 5562 Bismarck ND 58506
We are here to help. Please call 888-933-9743 for assistance.